“The Music and ISMETT: Perfectly in Tune.”
ISMETT and the Palermo Conservatory join forces for a new health care.
The collaboration, based on an agreement proposed by the president of the Palermo Conservatory V. Bellini, Gandolfo Librizzi, and accepted by ISMETT director Angelo Luca, will kick off on July 16 at 6:00 p.m. with a concert of the Tetra Kordes Quartet: Riccardo Lo Coco (mandolin), Jona Giuseppe Patitò (mandolin), Francesco Tralongo (mandola), and Domenico Pecoraro (guitar) and featuring music by Carlo Munier, Hermann Ambrosius, Raffaele Calace, Eduardo Angulo, and Astor Piazzolla.
After more than ten years of Christmas concerts offered to ISMETT’s patients, families, and staff by the Orchestra of the Conservatory, this new agreement will contribute to the hospital’s humanization process through music, creating a psychological atmosphere that will favor the care of human beings, not only of their disease. “With this agreement we wish to add a new therapeutic role to music, in addition to its well-established educational and social function. At the same time, this will be an opportunity for our students to enrich their cultural and personal background,” said Gandolfo Librizzi.
The agreement provides for a stable collaboration between the two institutions and for the possibility of embarking on some research projects. The concerts will be held at ISMETT once a month. The other events on the program are: September 24, Syrinx Quartet; October 22, Trumpet Quartet; November 19, Cell Orchestra; December 21, Chamber Orchestra.