This section contains all the relevant forms that must be completed to request your medical documentation.
Submit the completed form:
- By hand to the Medical Record Office. Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. To 12:30 p.m.
- By e-mail to
- By fax to + 39 091 21 92 232
- By mail to Ufficio Cartelle Cliniche di ISMETT, Via Ernesto Tricomi n. 5, 90127 Palermo.
If you request a copy of the medical record, a fee of €12.20 is charged.
The above fee can be paid:
- At the hospital Co-pay Office (Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
- By postal transfer to Account No. 66898289, to ISMETT S.r.l.) (ABI 07601 – CAB 04600 – CODICE IBAN: IT17J0760104600000066898289 – BIC BPPIITRRXXX); and specify in the Object window “RICHIESTA COPIA CARTELLA DI (patient name)” (Request for [patient name] medical record”.
- By bank transfer to Account No. 000300377185 – UNICREDIT, ISMETT S.r.l. (ABI 02008 – CAB 05365 – CIN R – CODICE IBAN: IT48R0200805365000300377185 – BIC UNCRITMMORS); and specify in the Object window “RICHIESTA COPIA CARTELLA DI (patient name)” (Request for [patient name] medical record”.
As specified in the request form, and pursuant to Law 24 of 28 March 2017 art. 4, paragraph 2, the copy of the medical record is delivered within 7 days from the submission of the request by the interested parties, in compliance with the discipline regulating access to administrative documents and with the Personal Data Protection Code […] Any supplemental document is however provided within a maximum period of 30 days from the submission of the said request.
ISMETT is a bilingual facility because of the partnership between the Region of Sicily and UPMC. This partnership and the ongoing transfer of know-how are a guarantee of the high standards and quality offered to patients. ISMETT physicians are constantly in contact with UPMC physicians in order to provide clinical care of excellence. To facilitate this interaction between Italy and the US, the clinical documentation is part in Italian and part in English. The Language Services Department can provide translation services for the medical record usually within 45 days. The translated copy is reviewed by the medical staff for final approval of the translation. A request for any other certificate (e.g., hospitalization certificate) can be made to the Unit Clerk before discharge home.